
Thursday, October 13, 2016

Revisting the Cabin

The quilt that founds its way home
A couple of months ago, Kara wrote about this lovely quilt and related the fascinating story of how it arrived back in its original home—the old log cabin in which it was made. (For the story of this quilt, read The Quilt That Found Its Way Back Home.)

Last month, Jane—one of the ladies we met at the cabin in June—emailed us to say:

"....and the story of the quilt continues....
I sent the blog to my friend Susan, who likes to quilt.  She immediately recognized the material as being from her grandparents' mill! Also, her mother, Peggy, played at the cabin as a child and remembers them quilting." 

Susan, however, had never seen either the quilt or the cabin. A follow-up lunch was proposed, so that Susan could see the quilt and share what she knew of its story. Sadly, we had to cancel our plan as Peg, the owner of the log cabin, became quite ill. As I (Teri) had taken quite a few more photos of this amazing cottage, we thought it might be nice to share the tasteful touches that Peg had added to the home as she refurbished it, staying true to the style of the log house. Enjoy!

The welcoming garden at Pleasant Springs Farm

Restored kitchen

The cozy parlor

I love this lace on the mantel!

Each piece of furniture and every accent could have been in the original cabin.
Except, of course, the addition of electric lamps!

Bedroom #1

A sitting room upstairs; of course there is a quilt on the couch!

Bedroom #2:

Needlework on the walls...

...and an embroidered dresser scarf on the bureau. (That is Peg in the mirror, giving us the grand tour of her log cabin.)

Such a beautiful, peaceful view from the window

Lovely flowers from the garden as a centerpiece on the table

One of my favorite pictures of the day—these three friends chatting: Peg, Bonnie, and Jane

That delightful day didn't end with our lunch. On our way home, we stopped to visit Bonnie's home, where she showed us this beautiful red and white quilt. Bonnie says that the quilt top was made by her great-grandmother, probably sometime in the mid-1800s. The top was passed down to Bonnie, and she had it quilted in the 1960s. Some friends from Bonnie's church made the Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls, who look perfectly happy sitting upon that gorgeous quilt!


What a perfect ending to a perfect day!

What a blessing it was to be able to meet Peg Coleman and hear the amazing story of her quilt. Kara and I are so grateful that we had the opportunity to spend an afternoon with this multi-talented, charming lady, and we are thankful that our friend Carol arranged for us to meet her. We were saddened by the the news of her passing last Friday. Though we only recently met Peg, we will forever remember her smile and caring nature, and her welcoming us into her home. She was indeed a special lady. Our condolences to her family and close friends. 


  1. What a marvelous story. I just love reading your Blog. It is the kind of stories like this one that makes me so proud and happy to be a quilter! Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Wendy! It is the stories in our quilts that tie us together.

  2. Found you by way of the Vintage and Antique Quilts FB group which I belong to. Fascinating story about this quilt coming home and really enjoyed seeing the interior of the cabin. Thank you so much for sharing this. We live in a log home (21st century though) and quilting is a major part of my life.

    1. Thanks for stopping by our blog. Sounds like you would have a unique appreciation and for this quilt's story!

  3. Merveilleux ,j'aime beaucoup!
    Amicalement de France
