
Thursday, May 3, 2018

The Language of Quilts

Communication in your own language can be difficult. Communication between two people who don't speak the same language is really difficult. The good thing is that quilters can communicate without speaking. Whether it is a modern or traditional quilt, the voice of the maker can be heard without saying a word.

One way quilters express this form of communication is through a quilt show. The Nurtingen quilt guild—a local guild in the area—held their triennial quilt show this past March, and it was wonderful. There were quilts of all types, sizes, and themes. They even had an area for coffee and Kuchen (cake), with all the desserts provided by the guild members. I thought I would share some of the quilts from the show.

Abstraction Lion
Annica Sternad

Es war einmal
Once Upon a Time
Halina Schmitz

Global Warming by Anthology
Kim Dulle

Birgit Klein

Birgit Schüller

Beautiful creations by ladies who took the Gloria Loughman class with me in November:
Gabriele Stahl, Marion Thum, Marion Bätje

Oy Sullivan

Baltimore Bouquets
Elizabeth Werdel

Andrea Stracke

Detail: Phosphophyllit
The hand quilting on this was spectacular!

Gabriele Latz

Hatten die Makrelen das Calval Zerstört
Frauke Schramm

Over the Rainbow
Marijke vanWeizen

Mein La Passion
My Passion
Gaby Stocker

Detail: Mein La Passion
Those hexagons are the size of my fingernail!

Yara, die Wasserfrau Meets Alabama Chanin
Heidi Hombsch

Detail: Yara, die Wasserfrau Meets Alabama Chanin

Regenwald (Rainforest)
Bernadette Mayr

Special exhibit by the Nurtingen guild members
It was a beautiful display.

I hope you have enjoyed seeing a little glimpse into the wonderful quilting community here in my area of Germany. While I don't speak German (my grasp of restaurant German doesn't count), it was wonderful to be able to look at these quilts and hear their makers speak.