
Thursday, May 16, 2019

Needleworld 2019

Nadelwelt or Needleworld is held every year in Karlsruhe, Germany It is a wonderful show that showcases all forms of needle work and textile art. They also hold a variety of classes for every type of textile art—hand-piecing, machine quilting, fabric dyeing, and the list goes on. Last year I (Kara) took a hand-piecing class from Emer Fahy of Ireland and thoroughly enjoyed learning a new skill. This year, I wasn't able to get into the fabric-dyeing class I wanted, so I just went with a friend for the day. 

While the show is not very large, there are some lovely exhibits from all over Europe. Some are individual exhibitors, and others are year-long challenges. Hopefully, you will enjoy a few of my favorite sights from the show!

These beautiful coats were the first exhibit.

The next exhibit showcased quilts made for a challenge using Afghani embroidered patches. You can  read more about the project here.

Metamorphose, Coral Reef
Marie-Christine Hourdebaight, France

Hope Springs Out of Darkness
Monique Riganti, France

Love Your Planet
Delores Alarcon, France

You can purchase different embroideries.
What would you create?

The next exhibit highlighted a challenge to create a block every day for 30 days or in some cases even a 100 days!

Andrea Esser

Dr. Monika Kirk

Detail: Eulenblicke

Kräuter, Blüten, und Blatter
Uschi Zywietz-Rogge

30 Tagge, 30 Erinnerungen
Susanne Fuß

This next exhibit was created by Kasia Hanack and was one of my favorites!

Detail: Libelle


There was a wonderful exhibit that highlighted the embroidery heritage of the Alsatian region.

And the last of my favorite exhibits was by Elena Lorenz. Her embroideries were so tiny and beautiful!

For scale!

There were more exhibits but these were my favorites. Hopefully you enjoyed a little glimpse into a this lovely European needlework show. In addition to the great show, there was a giant hall full of vendors. I may have bought just a few items...😀


  1. What a wonderful exhibition! Thanks so much for sharing these fabulous photographs. There is so much talent in the world and it is fun to see work that we would otherwise not get a glimpse of!
