
Thursday, September 16, 2021

A Prairie Posting

Last week, Teri and I (Kara) experienced Baltimore on the Prairie for the first time, and we were hooked. From the moment we walked in the door of Lied Lodge, we knew that it was going to be a great week.

This is the view that greeted us!

We taught two classes, Alsatian Urn and Village Wanderings–Shops. Both classes were filled with the best students, and we had a wonderful time full of stitching and laughter—what more could you ask for?! Here are a few pics from our fun-filled week.

Our store ready to go.

Village Wanderings and Alsatian Urn on the right and Baltimore Fraktur on the left.

Pretty soon this will be off to the quilter after another class
in Charlottesville, VA.

Our diligent Alsatian Urn students

Teri giving a lesson on the familial relationship of the chain, feather, and 
fly stitches.

The second session had our students working a bit in miniature.

Building a shop.

Quilt making

Tweezers were helpful in assembly.

How many times can you say you built a shop and
made a quilt in just one day?

One of our students quilted her 1" quilt.

Showing off their baby quilts.

Last night show and tell.

If you have never been to Baltimore on the Prairie, we highly recommend it! The setting is beautiful, the class sizes are not too big, and the people are some of the friendliest you will ever meet. Tresa Jones and her phenomenal support staff anticipate every need and are constantly checking to make sure everything is just so. If you would like to join us for 2022, registration is open now for our two classes—Woodland Reverie in Wool, and Baltimore Fraktur.

Woodland Reverie in Wool

Baltimore Fraktur Quilt

Baltimore Fraktur Wallhanging

These two classes will take wool appliqué to a whole new level with lavish embellishment and a large variety of unique fibers that will bring these projects to life. Our Woodland Reverie in Wool quilt uses wool roving, velvet, and silk ribbon (just to name a few) to create four whimsical and dimensional blocks. Our Baltimore Fraktur Quilt and Wallhanging will give you options to create multiple projects with one pattern even though we will be focusing mostly on the medallion in class.

We would love to see you next year on the Prairie but sign up soon as classes will fill quickly!

P.S. Teri and I are still away until September 20th, so we ask for you patience in our slower response times with orders and questions.


  1. Your projects are so inspiring! Looking forward to a couple of hugs in Williamsburg.
