
Thursday, January 13, 2022

Be Mine, Valentine

We are back after our holiday break and have started the new year off with a brand new pattern—Be Mine,  Valentine.

This heart-shaped box of chocolates stitches up rather quickly and would be a great way to add a little Valentine's Day decor to your home, or maybe give it to someone you love. The stitching and embellishments really bring this project to life, so we thought we would show you a few tips and tricks that you can use as you create this box of confections.

You can use your favorite method of cutting out your wool pieces, but the assembly is a little bit different because of the organza ribbon bow. Before you fuse your hearts, you need to mark the places on the pink heart where the bow band will go using pins.

Once you have placed your pins, you can fuse your hearts, carefully 
avoiding the pinned spots, and stitch down the red heart.

Pin your ribbon in place and then tuck the edges underneath the pink heart.

Stitch down the pink heart making sure to stitch the ribbon as well.

Now it is time to do a little embroidery! The chocolates and chocolate-covered strawberry are embellished with simple stitches—even the Pekinese stitch is not difficult.

A chain stitch in #8 pearl for the strawberry
The Pekinese using #8 pearl for the backstitch,
and 3 strands of floss for the weaving.

Small Xs for the left chocolate, and a
small heart button for the right.
Half-wagon wheels around the red heart
and a stem stitch for the bottom chocolate.

French knots with beads and a backstitched spiral
complete your box of sweets.

The words "Be Mine" are embroidered using our favorite Press and Seal™️ embroidery technique. We used a #12 pearl cotton by Valdani and created the words with one stem stitch for both words, and then went back and added another row where the lettering was thicker.

Press and Seal in place.

All stitched up!

The final stitching was to do a stem stitch with two strands of darker pink floss around the box and a stem stitched line to define the corner. Add the bow and your project is complete!

We turned this block into a little wallhanging with a simple red, striped border. The quilting was done with a #12 Valdani pearl around the box and then with quilted hearts scattered in the background. This was what we did, but you could finish it in whatever way you choose. While we still have kits available, this will be a limited edition kit so when the kits are gone, we won't be kitting it again. You can find it all on our website HERE

We hope you enjoy stitching up this box of chocolates almost as much as a real chocolate box!

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