I bet that got your attention! But relax; this is a far nicer story than the title might suggest.
Have you ever walked into a place and been so overwhelmed that you had to sit down to take it all in? That's what happened to me (Teri) last week, when I was taking a walk with a friend through the downtown area of Frederick, Maryland.
Our usual practice on "book club" days is to park in a small parking lot in an area called Shab Row. We walk through town to the appointed restaurant, where we enjoy lunch and a lively discussion about the book we've read. Afterwards, my friend, Vicki, and I will take a walk through the city or in lovely Baker Park. She is a tolerant walking buddy, who puts up with my stops along the way to snap photos of inspiring flowers and such. After our walk, we often stop and shop in Shab Row.
Who could pass up the opportunity to stop and admire these irises and pansies? I can already imagine the silk ribbon in my hands, as I try to create such a pretty pansy! One gets the sense that even nature embroiders the center lines on these flowers. I think when I create my pansies, however, that I will omit the fly resting on the top petal!
This mother goose and her goslings in Baker Park were getting a good bit of attention. She seemed oblivious. |
When we arrived back in Shab Row and were heading back to our cars, I looked up and saw a sign that grabbed my attention. As many times as I had been in that area, I couldn't remember seeing that sign, but then again, my memory isn't what it used to be. Of course, we had to go inside and check it out!
We entered the shop and were happily greeted by the owner, Kathy Makers. As my eyes adjusted to the change in light, I realized that I was gazing upon shelves full of beautiful wools and threads in a rainbow of colors. For a moment, I was speechless (which doesn't often happen), wondering how I had missed this shop in my many trips to that area. But I felt better about my observation skills when I asked her how long they had been open, and she replied, "Since Saturday." Well, no wonder I'd missed it . . . it wasn't there! I had to sit down (on a quite comfortable armchair) to look around before I started exploring the shop.
As I sat, Kathy explained that she owns a shop a few doors down the block and needed a classroom area, so when this space opened up a few months ago, it gave her an excuse to expand and offer more merchandise. I'm sure my friend was choking back a laugh or two when Kathy asked, "Are you a hooker?" and I replied, "No, just a stripper." Kathy was, of course, referring to rug hooking, as she offers materials for that craft, as well as needle felting, punch needle, and wool appliqué. I explained that one of the first things we teach in an embroidery class is how to strip the floss and separate it into single strands, but we caution our students not to share that we've been stripping in class, lest people get the wrong idea.
One can never have too many threads, and what a great variety of colors and types she offers.
Wool yarn, roving, supplies for needle felting, and wool fabric scraps. Wool wonderland!
Shelves of wool in such luscious colors and designs, so inviting in their display. There was so much to see; I can't wait to go back and discover treasures that I missed. My great fear: finding a new love to demand my time!
A view to the front of the shop |
What a lovely classroom with its cozy log cabin feel! |
Proprietor Kathy Makers giving us a tour of her classroom area |
We'll be back! |
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